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The commercial sex industry in the United States is already a crisis. The Covid-19 pandemic threw gas on the fire.

70% of female trafficking victims are trafficked into the commercial sex industry.

A generation of young, American women are being exploited and used, and it must STOP. Harmony Grillo, Executive Director of Treasures, will spend the next four weeks Unmasking the Covid Crisis in America’s Sex Industry. 

Join us in learning how the pandemic is impacting the sex industry and exploitation and what can be done about it. Watch, share, and get involved.

Episode 1 | The Demand

The Covid crisis has increased the demand for commercial sexual services in America. The demand does exactly what it promises. It demands supply.... by any means necessary. 

Release Date Dec 1, 2020


Episode 2 | The Exploiters

When it comes to trafficking, there are three parties involved. The buyer/user, aka the demand, the trafficker, and the person being sold. Last week, we talked about the fact that Covid has led to an increase in the demand for commercial sexual services. Ultimately, demand creates opportunities for exploiters and traffickers.

Release Date Dec 8, 2020

Episode 3 | The Vulnerable

Economic hardship, isolation, and disconnection from support systems due to safer at home orders are some of the many factors playing a role in this. One amateur porn site is looking to capitalize off of the economic crisis brought on by Covid by offering former McDonald’s employees the opportunity to join the site as porn content creators after company layoffs.

Release Date Dec 15, 2020


Episode 4 | The Crisis And Treasures

 One of the largest porn content sharing websites is reporting about 200,000 new users every 24 hours since March. And exploiters are working to meet the increase in demand by preying on the vulnerable. 

Release Date Dec 22, 2020


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Harmony Grillo, MSW

Founder & Executive Director

Survivor of exploitation turned UCLA honor student, Harmony’s goal is to help women and girls entrenched in sexual exploitation find freedom.

Armed with personal experience, evidence-based theories and a Master’s Degree in Social Work, she comprehensively sheds light on the impact of a pornified culture and the lives of those trapped within it. Her pursuit of justice has led to Congressional recognition and opportunities to train the Department of Justice and FBI in best practices. In 2003, she founded Treasures to support other women in their recovery from the commercial sex industry and trafficking.

Harmony’s memoir, Scars and Stilettos, details her harrowing account of moving from victim to survivor to liberator.