The Covid crisis has increased the demand for commercial sexual services in America.
The commercial sex industry fuels sex trafficking. 70% of female trafficking victims are trafficked into the commercial sex industry. That means that they are working in porn, escorting, massage parlors, street prostitution, and strip clubs.
Even though clubs like this, across the nation, are closed due to Covid, this has done nothing to curb the demand for commercial sexual services. Many women who used to work in strip clubs are telling us that they have been pressured to become full-service, constantly being pushed past their boundaries, forced to do more. With clubs closed, many are working in prostitution, webcamming, and/or creating amateur porn for subscription based websites.
Trafficking and exploitation are a supply and demand issue. If there were no demand for sex, there would be no supply and people wouldn’t be exploited to meet the demand.
Since Covid hit, we are seeing evidence that the demand has actually increased. The tracks (aka the streets) where women and girls are being sold are buzzing with men looking to buy sex.
Since the safer at home order began, major porn sites have reported an instant increase in the percentage of porn use.
The CEO of one of the largest porn content sharing websites says he is seeing about 200,000 new users every 24 hours since March.
When you think about it, this increase in demand makes sense. When you look at sexual addiction and what triggers someone to “act out,” loneliness, boredom, anxiety, stress, and disconnection are all key factors. Since Covid, people are increasingly socially disconnected, isolated, and anxious.. and many are facing increased economic pressure. All of these things are triggering users and buyers and driving demand.
The demand does exactly what it promises. It demands supply.... By any means necessary.
The women we serve are fighting to stay free from exploitation. To heal. To rebuild their lives. And we are here, supporting them in that fight, every step of the way.
In the next few weeks, we are going to continue to unmask THE COVID CRISIS IN AMERCA’S SEX INDUSTRY. In the meantime, check out our website at where you can get our free stat guide to learn more about the reality of exploitation and trafficking.
Help women find freedom from exploitation and trafficking.
Receive our free, 30-page sex industry and trafficking stat guide.
Harmony Grillo, MSW
Founder & Executive Director
Survivor of exploitation turned UCLA honor student, Harmony’s goal is to help women and girls entrenched in sexual exploitation find freedom.
Armed with personal experience, evidence-based theories and a Master’s Degree in Social Work, she comprehensively sheds light on the impact of a pornified culture and the lives of those trapped within it. Her pursuit of justice has led to Congressional recognition and opportunities to train the Department of Justice and FBI in best practices. In 2003, she founded Treasures to support other women in their recovery from the commercial sex industry and trafficking.
Harmony’s memoir, Scars and Stilettos, details her harrowing account of moving from victim to survivor to liberator.