Get Involved!
Join The Movement

To continue the work we do, we depend on your financial support. But do you know how impactful your financial support is?
Become a partner today to continue the work of Empowering women in the sex industry and survivors of trafficking to live healthy, flourishing lives.
Want to help women in the sex industry and survivors of trafficking find lasting freedom and healing? Get Trained!

Add a Glossy Touch to Your Impact
Each year, we give away 5,000 lip glosses in our Outreach gift bags!
Our gift bags are distributed in Strip Clubs & HIV testing sites as a small token of love to the women. But we need your help! The number of women we serve is only increasing and we need more supplies for outreaches.

Join the team!
"Volunteering with Treasures is so rewarding! There are so many ways to contribute your talents and to build relationships with people. I love getting to know fellow Treasures volunteers and their heart for this work."
- Alex H.
Join the movement by sharing the word!

Get The Advocacy Toolkit
Feel prompted to take action and petition your local government to oppose full decriminalization of prostitution and adopt the Equality Model?
This free toolkit includes…
A letter template for opposing full decriminalization and advocating for the equality model.
Relevant Infographics and Charts
Sex Industry & Trafficking Statistics Guide
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